viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

The poverty of the poorest :(

The man feels fascination for the wealth, the power and the reputation, every year the magazine Forbes publishes the list of the richest persons of the world, businessmen, leaders and entrepreneurs who have accumulated fortunes that in some cases overcome the global wealth of entire countries. Carlos Slim has returned to repeat at the head of the list with a heritage valued for 74.000 million dollars, but those who are the poorest of the world? This question does not take a list as a response with names and surnames, if the list of the rich ones takes a classification as positions, that of the poor includes entire countries where almost they all do not have almost you are welcome.
The sub-Saharan Africa is the poorest region of the world followed by the south of Asia, according to a new way of measuring the development of the countries created by the University of Oxford with the support of the United Nations. Together they have created the MPI, the Multidimensional Index of the Poverty.
This new index complements from 2010 to the Index of Human Poverty that they publish the Naciones Unid and attends to several areas: education, health and the living conditions. Inside the education they measure up the years of education and the assistance to class, in the health one attends to the infant mortality and the nutrition and the living conditions indicate the access to the electricity or to the drinkable water, among other things.

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